From Journalist to Author

Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:06 PM

The Los Angeles Press Club presents:

Taking the leap – from journalist to author

Turn your stories and ideas into a book. A panel of recent journalist/authors will offer tips, explain the triumphs and pitfalls. Come hear:

–David Willis, on book leave from the BBC to pen a volume about the California dream

–Chip Jacobs of the L.A. Daily News, wrote a book about his family

–Francesca Segre, whose novel “Daughter of the Bride,” has been optioned by Columbia

WHEN: Thursday, April 27.
6:30 p.m. cocktails,networking and book signing,
7:30 p.m. program

WHERE: at the club,
Steve Allen Theater,
4773 Hollywood Boulevard

Free parking; Metro: red line, Sunset/Vermont Station

Co-sponsored by: PR Newswire

More info:

Rsvp, to: [email protected]

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